I have not come to bring Peace but a sword - Christ
I have not come to bring Peace but a sword - Christ
The Called Deuteronomy 31:6
The Called                                                  Deuteronomy 31:6

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"Because there is still Men wandering in the a wilderness, dying because of sin"


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To become great men of God we need to continually seek God's kingdom and Gods will

Seek God's kingdom and Gods will before ourselves. How did you start your day?   Use this Daily to help you start your day right.  It is very simple just follow these steps.


Step 1

Begin your day in prayer- use our prayer page on how to pray to get the most of your prayer time.


Step 2

Use the daily devotion as your fuel for the day

Read every morning Proverbs for this is our daily wisdom from God the chapter reflects the calender day i.e if today is the 17th read chapter 17


Read nightly Psalms for this is our nightly comfort read 5 chapters it will be quick so don't worry           i.e if today is the 17th (17x 5 = 85) read chapters 85-90


Step 3

Remember God has called use to be more like him, before you act out today ask yourself what would your heavenly Father do.


Step 4

God loves you, he sent his only begotten son Jesus to die for you so that you can have eternal life.

If you fail today, get up, brush yourself off and take 5 min to seek God and his will and start again.

Remember we may never now what Gods big picture is and how our daily life's challenges fit into that but the closer we get to God the more we become more like God the more we align our life to his, the smaller our daily issues become.

Being a Man


Being a Man has many challenges but being a Godly man has many more but the rewards are much greater.  In fact it is Gods will for us to be men of God. 

We have all heard the song from Casting Crowns, Every Man

There is hope for every man

A solid place where we can stand

In this dry and weary land

There is hope for every man

There is love that never dies

There is peace in trouble times

Will we help them understand

Jesus is the hope for every man


Jesus is the real man and he wants us to be like him.

We are male by birth but we become men by choice.  Maturity does not come with age but it comes with the ability to except responsibility. ~Ed Cole~

In order for us to become men we must go back to the basics.  

There is 5 great sins that keep us from maximzing our manhood, keeps us from being able to maximize or marriage, keeps us from being the fathers God has called us to be.


LUST- Satisfying self at the expense of others, it's giving into what self wants, satisfying ones flesh.  Maximizing your Manhood means you have to become more like christ.

God's love- the desire to satisfy others at the expense of self. "For God so loved the world He gave his only begotten son (John 3:16) God is love, love gives.  Lust wants to get not give.  A man may be married to his wife but can still lust after his wife sexually when he satisfys himself and leaves her unfulfilled and unsatisfied.  Lust isn't always sexual the kind where you lust after another woman but have you ever put sports, hobbies, friends, job, television, movies first to satisy self at the expense of others (your wife or your children) if so you need to know this type of lust is keeping you from being able to maximize you manhood, your marrage, the life of your children. If you are desiring self at the expense of others you are lusting and when you are loving you are satisfing others (your wife, your children, your family) at the expense of self then you have begun to understand what it is to love.  Just amagine what could happen if you could just get this one.  If lust is keeping you from maximizing you as a man lay your lustful acts at the cross and begin to love as Gods loves.  If you would like me to pray with you or agree with you in prayer leave me a message.


IDOLATRY- Anything that puts your devotion to it above your devotion to God.  Sports, Hobbies, Movies, Tv can all become an Idol.  Your sons and daughters come to realize that TV comes before them and its your kids that feel the pain of your idolatry.  Children now days are growing up to the worship of the adol of TV.  The TV is a medium of Lust into your kids and into your home.  The TV is put in front of your kids and family greater than the 1 hour of time you are spending with them on sunday and we wonder why there is so much hurt in our families today.  Our wife, kids and families are paying the price of Idolatry.  This along with many other things take our eyes off the focus of God and puts our focus to it.  In 2 kings 17: 40-41 (NIV) they would not listen, however but persisted in their fathers practices.  even as these people where worshiping the Lord  they were serving their idols.  To this day our children and grandchildren continue to do as there father and grandfathers have done.  Our wife and children are learning from you right now.  what have you taught them today what did you teach them yesterday what are they seeing, are you putting your devotion of worldly thing above your devotion to God.  What do they see?  You cannot maximize your manhood if you have idols.  denounce them and begin serving a great King and begin healing the damage you have caused in your wife and in your children.  We are here to pray with you drop us a line and we can put you on our list.


FORNICATION- Is every kind of sex sin.

Fornication and promiscuity is popular and accepted everywhere today.  No matter how you look at it sin is sin and it keeps you from being able to maximize your manhood.  The Word of God shows us the character of God, it sets the rules and is the standared of faith.  When we read in the bible about Samson, David and many others we are given a very valuable lesson to learn about when it comes to sex sins and the results of these sins.  The same is true for use today continue in this sin and there is a price to pay.  Every man today is subject to the desires, passions, appitites and temptations of fornication and it will keep us from reaching our maximum potential that God has for us.  One day we will be standing before God and he will say that you where given the opportunity to have become a man to have maximized your potential and yet you had chosen to do the same things the Isrealites did when they chose to commit fornication and they died in the wilderness never seeing the canaan land.  Today is your day not to be like them to not die in the wilderness but to maximize your Manhood and begin to see what is God's best in your life.  Are you struggling today bogged down the the moral molasses of sex sin.  Then is time to seek God and his forgiveness and lay it at his feet and walk away from it.  Start to become the man God wants you to be, start being the husband God wants you to be,start being the father God wants you to be.  Seek God today if you need us to pray with you let us know.


TEMPTING CHRIST- Demanding that God do what is contrary to his will or inconsistent with is character.

Matthew 27:40-43 is tempting Christ when he was on the cross.

We today do the same thing lying and cheating in our business and then turning around and asking God to bless a prosper it is tempting Christ. Living in fornication and promiscuity and know it is wrong then turning around and asking God to bless your relationship is templing Christ. If you do this for me Lord I do this is tempting Christ. Children rejecting the Godly counsel of there parents, the congregation demanding the pastor build God's church on social events then on the word and prayer of God, born again believers continuing to live in sin and asking for Gods blessing is all tempting Christ.  I'm sure you can think of something you may be doing that is temping Christ this is the 4th deadly sin, we have to stop doing so that we can begin to become the men that God has called us to be. Lets get back to Christ and being to be more like him.  Like Father Like Son.  Is Christ your Father? Its time to be more like him.


MURMURING- Is nothing less then "Negative Confession" Gossip, complaining, rumoring, slander, criticizing and much more is murmuring.  1 Corinthians 5:11 tells us how we should deal with this deal with them in vehenence and discipline.  Many men today murmur against there wife. when you make her the butt of you jokes, when you argue with her in front of the children, when you criticize her try to find fault in her I'm sure you can think of some more that you may do, you murmur against her.  What you are really doing is depreciating her in fact you are binding her to a low level of life that is unpleasing to Christ. If you want your wife to grow and to be the woman Gods wants her to be you must praise her.  I'm not talking about the praise you would give your dog.  I'm talking about that true honest heart felt complimenting praise and I'll tell what will happen- God inhabits our praise.  When you praise your wife God will inhabit her when you compliment your wife your marrage will begin to grow God will inhabit your marrage. 

How great a matter a little fire kindleth (James 3:5 KJV) those small remarks, the belittling your wife, those little sarcastice remarks eventually will create huge bonfires of hate, warfare and enmity, burning your whole marrage to the ground and leaving nothing but embers.

Stop the murmuring if you wish to become the man God has called you to be and to be more Christ like and to enter into the Canaan land God has promised for use.  The land where problems can be solved, conflicts can end, marrages that have been burning and may only have embers left can be restored the place God has promised to us, a place Gods promises are fulfilled in our lives and God Maximizes his people.

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